Love Letter to (Childhood) Trauma Survivors

You were invisible children who lived in the constant terror of childhood trauma. What you needed was love. Selfless, tender, gentle love. You needed someone to ask you how your day was. You needed someone to guide you through the scary moments. But this wasn’t your childhood. Those who should have offered love and gentleness, caused you the most pain of all. You were made to feel stupid for having needs. You were minimized and ridiculed. You were shamed. Some of you were hit, some of you were physically, sexually, and emotionally abused. Some of you lost yourselves at a very young age.

None of that was your fault. I want you to know that you were and are a precious innocent soul. I want you to know that you have meaning. I want you to know that you are not crazy. I want you to know that your experience is real. It is not your fault. I want you to know that it is safe now to get off the roller coaster of trying to please others or prove that you are perfect. I want you to know that you deserve to be heard, supported, and loved.

I see you. I see what you have been through. I see the wars that you fight within. I hear the screams in your head. I want you to know that you are not alone.

Right here. Right now. In this moment. You are being guided and lead to healing. You are being guided to your truth.

My wish for you is health and healing. My desire is that you reach the true freedom that is found within.

It may be very difficult for you to complete even the simplest of tasks. You feel as though you are moving through cement. You may feel stripped and raw. Confused and alone. It’s not your fault. You are not lazy. You are not stupid. You are not too sensitive. You do not deserve to be ashamed. You didn’t do anything wrong.  You took on the shame of parents who did not have the strength to face their demons, so they passed their demons on to you.  It is not your fault. You did nothing wrong. You were and are a precious, innocent soul.

I want to welcome you to this present, beautiful moment. This moment right here and right now. I want to say hello to your magnificent presence. Welcome. Thank you for being here. Thank you for surviving. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for waking up this morning. I want to welcome you to this present, beautiful moment. I want to welcome you to a new day where healing is absolutely possible for you. I want to remind you that healing is your destiny. I want to remind you that feeling is your birthright. I want to welcome you home to yourself. I want to thank your body and spirit for being strong, and for holding onto the pain all this time.

And now, I want to invite you to a new place. A new phase. I want to invite you to feel joy and find fullness within. I want to invite you to feel compassion. You deserve that. I want to invite you to feel hope and strength. Even if you feel lost right now, I want to remind you that you have survived the pain. And we are here, in the present moment together.  Your soul is strong, resilient, and precious. Welcome to healing.

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